My name is Alfredo
Sánchez Tójar and, as the latest PhD student to join the Lundy House sparrow
Team, I’d like to share with you the wonderful experience of my first visit to
that beautiful and remote island.
The trip started
the 6th of November, exactly two days before arriving to Lundy, at
the West Titchberry Farm (Hartland).
Fig. 1: I. Winney setting up a mist net at
West Titchberry Farm (Hartland)
There, and thanks to Yvonne’s hospitality,
Isabel Winney and I could spent one entire day, the 7th, catching
the house sparrows that live in and around the farm. We managed to catch 3
females; one had been previously ringed by Isabel about 1 year and 9 months
before. These catching attempts have been carried out since November 2011 to
DNA sample the closest house sparrow population on the mainland. We already
have much evidence suggesting that house sparrow migration from and to the
island is very low and those samples will help us in getting more insight about
these processes.
Charlotte Morgan
joined the expedition on time to get the helicopter that would bring us to
Lundy where we arrived with enough time to prepare everything we would need for
starting catching on Saturday, the 9th. We wouldn't stop catching until the
14th of November, but we welcomed the last member of the expedition, Mirre
Simons, on the 11th. We spent all the possible time catching, even during the
last hours of the night, just before dawn, when we managed to catch some of the
birds that sleep in nest boxes during the winter. Thanks to our enthusiasm, we
managed to catch a total of 134 individuals; only 8 of them (i.e. < 6%) had
escaped the summer's effort and needed to get their individual set of colour
rings, BTO metal ring and PIT tag.
Fig. 2: A. Sánchez-Tójar after ringing his first
Lundy sparrow
House sparrows
chicken feeder photo: House sparrows socializing at one of their favorite
places, a chicken feeder.
During our stay, I
also carried out my first trials to record dominance hierarchies and social interactions between individuals. I
set up several feeders around the island and videotaped sparrows. It took
several days until they started to visit some of the feeders but I could
finally manage to get 3-days data from two of the feeders. I've already started
to analyze these videos and they are very promising.
Happy with our
great success, we left the island the 15th of November. However, time goes fast
and we are already planning our next visit to this wonderful island. And yes,
don't worry, we'll also share with you our experiences from that trip. See you
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